Friday, January 22, 2010

Due Date

Well today, little "Diago" is due, but I have a big feeling that he is going to wait. I am so ready to see him. After 9 months of carrying him around, I think I am ready to have him out. He still kicks a lot and last night I was sick as anything. I spent half the night awake trying to get comfortable and feeling like puking. Drinking water does not help for sure.
Carlos is a great guy. He tried to make me comfortable and woke up a lot, even though he had to work today. I love him and our soon to be son.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My little guy

He is not here yet, but I hope soon.. He digs his little knees or feet or something under my organs.. Not so fun. But so far, he is doing good...

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Please keep in your prayers the people in Haiti. I have several friends there who are ok but there are many more who have been killed or are suffering. Please pray for them..

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby Mendoza

I dropped a couple days ago, which I am glad. One, my scyatic nerve is not pinched anymore and I can sleep better and two, it means I am getting closer to having him out. I hope he is cute..
We went and got his changing table last night and some odds and ends we needed.. All we have left to get is a few small things. We have a lot of 0-3 clothes, probably more then we need, but at least thats better then not enough. I can't wait till he is here.