I figured I would sit down and write a small update on whats happening up here.
I am a stay at home mom, which is what I wanted to do. I enjoy spending my days at home with my little man and not having to worry about getting a job and such. I babysit Addie for Liz while she works during the day, which I enjoy, although all she does is makes up sleep from not sleeping during the night. :) She is a cute little girl. My husband, Carlos, works 6:30 to 5 monday-friday and sometims till 12 on Sat. I am learning to be a wife and mother and at times, I can honestly say, it's not easy, but I can also say that I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I am going back to school Sept 7th to get my associate degree in Early Childhood development, so I can start a Daycare. Although, I plan to finish my 4 year degree in Education, so I can teach. I plan on homeschooling Diego, and anymore children if we ever have more. It will be a work going to school and being mom but I know plenty of moms that have. I am only taking 2 classes to start with, so that i can see what I can handle. School is 15 mins away, so its not bad.
We have lots of babies in RI now. Tammy Schieder has 2 children, Rose and Lucy. I have Diego; Liz has Addie; Cassie has Kai; and we have another couple who has 2 children, Angus and Coleman. And we have a new mom who is 12 weeks along with her first. So our gatherings are busy :) . i am going to try and get family shots on Sun to put up, if it does not rain.
We just bought our tickets to fly down to TN on July 24th for the wedding. We will be there till Aug 2nd. We are staying with Nathaniel and Rachel, YEAH!!!!!! It will be fun on the plane since Diego has never flown before. Nor is he used to being in his carseat for the trip from Nash to Selmer, but he will learn. Diego is one of the best baby's you can ever have. Besides not sleeping threw the night :). He is learning to sit up and loves to roll over (only at night when he is sposed to be sleeping though). He has tons of hair and i can't decide to cut it or not. I think I will wait till we go to TN and have someone down there help me. I would mess it all up if I tried.
I miss everyone at home, although I am very nervous to be coming back. Not sure how people will react towards me. A lot of people have blocked me or ignored me since I left and so it's kinda awkward but I know that everyone needs time to heal. But I hope that people can still be friendly though. I love everyone there and can't wait to see all my friends again, and all my little sisters and my big sis and new niece. I am sure most of you are looking forward to seeing me and my family and if you are not, thats ok. I am excited.
Well that is kinda a update. I am really bad about rabbit trails when writing so hope it's understandable. Thank you to the people who do talk to me now, because it does make it easier and less freaky to come back to visit :)